Next time you feel like quitting, try harder.
When I think about the greatest equalizer in success the first thing that Comes to mind is GRIT.
Grit is doing your absolute best work, even when you don’t want to. Im not talking about highly motivated, high paying fresh new opportunity work.
I’m talking about making right on commitments that have been lingering, already paid for, or just down right behind.
@sarge_usa bought this rear end housing from me almost 3 years ago. I got busy, he got busy and there was never a good time to stop and build something I’d been paid for years ago.
This week, it challenged me every step of the way. I Went to press the studs in the hubs on Wednesday they weren’t heat treated. Bomb run to LA that day.
Midnight Thursday hubs went together, caliper brackets were for 13.00 rotors we had 14.00s, new brackets, again midnight.
Friday morning, wheels are wrong center bore, wrong counter bore, none of the tools I ordered to machine them showed up, all day literally 12 hours at the mill and lathe after sharpening tools, making tools to do the work Again, midnight
Every single detail, every step of the way… none of it went my way. You know what I did? Spoke encouraging to myself and tried to do better work. I gave every detail all I had.
Last night everyone had commitments and left at 5:00 and I was there alone. Dead silent, no help, and I sat on the floor assembling the rear end and told myself. This is what you signed up for, this is what got you here. GRIT.
I see a lot of people looking for a smoother path, an easier way, or a better opportunity, when really most of what people need is discipline and a little more GRIT.
Next time you feel like quitting, try harder.
- Robby Woods